The Regent is most like a club president or chair. She leads the monthly meetings, represents the chapter in the state DAR society and coordinates the efforts of the chapter and her Board.
The Vice Regent coordinates the monthly chapter programs, works closely with the Regent to shape the chapter's agenda, and is responsible for the maintenance of the chapter's annual member yearbook.
The Chaplain supports the emotional health of our membership. She is responsible for sharing the successes and joys of our members, as well as coordinating the chapter's response when a member faces the serious challenges of life.
The Recording Secretary takes minutes at all Executive Board meetings, as well as the official minutes of all chapter meetings. She also maintains the records of all chapter motions and votes.
The Corresponding Secretary coordinates all chapter communications, both inside and out of the chapter. She is responsible for sending out chapter news, meeting information, and collecting RSVPs for chapter events and projects.
The Treasurer coordinates the budget of the chapter, along with the collection of the chapter's income and the payment of the chapter's expenses.
The Registrar coordinates with the Membership Chair to help new prospective DAR members through the membership process. She maintains the chapter's membership records and assists with transfers in and out of the chapter.
The Historian is responsible for documenting and keeping track of the chapter's archives. She coordinates the acquisition of photos and other chapter memorabilia.
The Librarian keeps and coordinates the lending of chapter books from the chapter "library." She also coordinates our efforts to support child literacy through our participation in "Operation Wishbook."
The Membership Chair is the first Daughter our prospective members usually meet with. Her role is to answer questions, educate about DAR traditions, and support women through the application process.
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Last updated: April 05, 2024